Create a digital hardware monophonic synthesizer with 12 capacitive touch keys and an internal speaker. The enclosure will be made by lasercutting wood pieces into a box that will hold the keys, wiring, microcontroller and speaker.
My main inspiration comes from Korg’s Volca sythesizers as well as their monotron.
- Arduino Capacitive Sensor Library https://playground.arduino.cc/Main/CapacitiveSensor?from=Main.CapSense
- Arduino I2S Library https://www.arduino.cc/en/Reference/I2S
- Arduino Theremin example https://create.arduino.cc/projecthub/Arduino_Genuino/i2s-theremin-cec47a
Parts & Materials
- Arduino MKR Zero OR Sparkfun SAMD21 Mini
- I2S Audio Breakout
- Small speaker
- 9V Battery
- Copper tape
- scrap wood
Extra Challenges
- Include a volume knob
- Include a touch controlled slide potentiometer that controls a synth parameter such as a filter cutoff value
- Include a switchable auxilary output to connect to a larger speaker